eDen Education is DCNZ verified CPD provider
All CPD undertaken by New Zealand Dental Professionals must be verified CPD. CPD activities undertaken must have been verified by a Council-approved CPD provider or verifier, or by Council’s CPD Advisory Committee.
Professional associations can assess and approve an activity as verifiable CPD for their members. Alternatively, Professionals may submit CPD activities for assessment to Council’s CPD Advisory Committee, by email to inquiries@dcnz.org.nz A request for verification of CPD activities must include the following supporting evidence:
the educational aims, objectives and outcomes of the course
details about the presenter(s) of the course including experience and relevant qualifications
an outline of the course including an overview of the programme and the teaching methods used (for example, lecture, hands-on workshop, group discussion)
number of hours involved (excluding meal breaks) and course venue
a copy of the certificate of attendance (including attendee’s name, name of provider, name of activity, date, time and location of activity, and the number of verifiable CPD hours).
It is the responsibility of the dental professional to ensure that activities planned or undertaken are approved as verifiable CPD, before the end of the CPD cycle.
More information on the CPD requirements is available in Council’s Policy on Continuing Professional Development Activities.